Thursday, May 7, 2015

Green Tea! (my not so secret, secret!)

So here it is! My not so secret, secret! Believe it or not this actually works!Green tea has helped me loose so much weight from my tummy area. This is a real cheap and easy way to loose weight by just drinking a drink! 

Here are few reasons  why green tea has been so beneficial to me.

  • Green tea is a great boost to your metabolism. (up to 5%)
  • Great for skin, hair, and nails! (this is very true with me, since I've started drinking tea my hair and skin just feel healthier)
  • Caffeine! I've never been big on caffeine but green tea is a great replacement for sodas and coffee. Also the caffeine gives me more energy before and after my workout.
  • Burns fat around the stomach area. Now this is definitely true. Although I'm loosing weight all around my body my stomach has gone down way faster than any part of my body. So if your trying to get rid of love handles I suggests you try it
More info here :

I drink 2 cups a day, some days more. Everyday when I get up the first thing I do is I fill a coffee cup with water and put it in the microwave for a couple minutes. Then I take two tea bags of the green tea packets and plop them in the water. I usually try to let it sit for about 15 minutes then drink! I try to drink a cup before or after my workout. It really helps with my energy during and after my workout. If I have more time in the mornings I also use my Keurig. I use the reusable k-cup and I just cut open two tea bags and pour it in. Both ways work very well. 

Ways to drink green tea!
I'm not gonna lie, at first green tea was so nasty and bitter. I kept doing research on green tea and found so many benefits I  didn't wanna give it up. I started drinking green tea by mixing it with Silk almond milk and cinnamon. Now I have no idea if the flavored green tea they sell at wal-mart works because I haven't tried them but they probably work but the only concern I have is the extra sugar added to make it taste better. Also I wonder about the quality of the green tea. Almond milk has so many benefits and its a way you can sweeten foods naturally without having to add extra sugar. 

Also one way of drinking tea plus getting your water in throughout the day is by taking 6-9 tea bags and throwing them in 2 cups of boiling water. I use 2 packets of sweetner when I do it this way. Pour into a water bottle. Don't add water to it once you make it. Leave in the fridge until its cold. Once it's cold you can water it down by mixing it with your water. This way worked for me cause I still was getting my water in and drinking green tea at the same time. Disclaimer: You will pee a whole lot by drinking green tea this way so don't say I didn't warn you!

If you have any questions feel free to ask me! 

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