Tuesday, May 5, 2015

How I Did It!

You all may be very surprised to hear how I did it! I have no secret. No secret pill! I lost weight by doing the hardest thing there is to do. Diet and exercise. Believe it or not those two things actually work. I did not starve myself, take diet pills, or do any shakes or diet system. I honestly believe that this whole diet and exercise thing is about trial and error. It's all about finding what works for a person’s body. If it works, stick with it! If it doesn't then move on to the next thing. Before I tell you what I actually did to lose weight I want to say that these are the things I did to lose weight and that they may or may not work for you.

1. Completely took fast food out of my diet for three months. That means nothing that came from any fast food place. NOTHING! For three months I disciplined myself to go without fast food for three months in a row. I mainly did to break my habit of eating fast food and cleanse my body. Now, I do still eat fast food occasionally. By occasionally I mean sometimes once a week. I try to make sure that on days I eat fast food I work extra hard to burn off at least half the calories I consumed. 

2. Drinking Water!  I can’t tell you how much this can help you. You keep yourself hydrated by drinking water. It also cleans up your digestive tract to help get food out faster which in turn speeds up your metabolism. You will most likely have to google how much water your body needs according to your weight and age but I try to drink 5 bottles of water a day throughout the day.

3. Green Tea. I found out about drinking green tea for weight loss on Pinterest! I'm not sure if any other green tea works (such as Lipton green tea) because I have only been drinking one kind for the past several months. The kind that I drink is Uncle Lee's Organic Green Tea. It can be found at Walmart for around 4$. I truly believe that this is why my waist has gone down tremendously. Ill post more about how much I drink and things you can mix it with to taste better soon.

4. Exercise. Not only will you lose weight by exercising it also makes you feel better, it is very true that exercising relieves stress. Exercising is something that needs to be eased into, especially if your body is not accustomed to it. I made the mistake when I tried to lose weight back in high school. I was creating too much stress for my body. This time around I started exercising by juts walking. Walking and Zumba saved my life! Every day no matter what I had planned for that day I managed to squeeze in 30 minutes of walking. Only walking 30 minutes has ultimately lead me to be able to jog! I hate running and starting off by walking has been so helpful. Zumba is amazing as well. I try to do Zumba for at least 30 minutes. An hour of exercising seemed crazy to me at first so by breaking up that hour into two thirty minutes segments just worked for me. 

5. Diet. My diet for the first six months basically consisted of baked, boiled, and grilled everything. I had to re-teach myself how to eat and it's not as hard as it seems. One of the biggest things that kept me over weight was my unhealthy diet. I changed my diet in small ways. I still eat out and I still eat things that are not healthy. I can’t say the word moderation enough. Most any food is okay to eat but in moderation. If you actually pay attention to serving sizes on foods you will be shocked. A measuring cup was my best friend for months. I learned what the serving sizes were for foods that I like. Every morning I eat the same thing. 2 scrambled eggs with a bowl of cereal. Early on I kept track of every food I ate with an app on my phone, I really don't that anymore mainly because I know how many calories are in most everything I eat. I try to keep my diet around 1400 a day. 

Basically I do calories in vs. calories out. When I eat I try to do some type of activity to burn it off.
It's not as hard as it seems to burn off 1400 calories as you may think. I have truly found something that works for me. I learn new things everyday about eating healthy and exercising. These few things are the basic things I did to loose 65 lbs. I will be making more blogs about the specifics of my diet and exercise routines so if you'd like stay tuned! Also you can follow me on Pinterest as well. I am always posting things relating to health and fitness on there. Thanks :D

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